Full-Stack Developer, Web-Development, Programming, Consulting, Freelancer since 2003

With focus on Backend-Development with Python and Golang, as well as Cloud-Services and Devops.

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Backend-Development, Cloud Computing, AWS, Open Source, Linux, Containerization, Development of Web-Crawler, News Distribution / Rendering / Analyzation / Aggregation, Content Syndication, Content Aggregation, Automatisation

Programming languages:

Python, Golang, JavaScript

Cloud Computing:

Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Terraform, Chef, Ansible, CI/CD

Web Services / Micro Services:

Docker, GraphQL, REST, gRPC, Podman, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Serverless.com, PaaS, SaaS, WebSockets, XML-RPC / SOAP, libP2P


MySQL / MariaDB, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, DynamoDB, MongoDB, AWS Aurora, CouchDB, NoSQL, SQLite, Elasticsearch

Web Server:

Apache, Nginx, wSGI, Traefik

Operating Systems:

Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Alpine, Debian, CoreOS)

CMS / Frameworks:

Terraform, Django, ent.io ORM, Flask, CherryPy, Serverless.com, node.js, VueJS, Bottle, libP2P


Docker, Podman, Terraform, Serverless.com, Jenkins, Gitlab, Git, Subversion, node.js, bzr, JSON-LD, Memcached, LXC, LXD, libP2P, IPFS


Freelance projects

Innio: Export of existing Azure cloud infrastructure to Terraform.

Migration of existing Azure infrastructure to Terraform for Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC), enabling version control and automated provisioning. Implemented CI/CD workflows with GitHub Actions, streamlining development, testing, and deployment of Azure resources for consistent infrastructure management. / Innio Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG, Austria
Microsoft Azure, Terraform, Github Actions, Bash, Python, aztfexport

Pyck: Golang Lead Developer

Design and implementation of a microservice architecture for a cloud-based warehouse management software.
Design and implementation of event-driven processing of BPMN diagrams using Camunda Zeebe Engine.
Building an event infrastructure based on Apache Pulsar.
API based on GraphQL Federation / Pyck GmbH
Golang, GraphQL, Docker, Kubernetes, CockroachDB, Apache Pulsar, Camunda Zeebe Engine, BPMN, Ent ORM

Zalando: Golang Backend-Developer

Implementation of a fast track campaign flow in a event-stream driven microservice architecture.
Extending and customization of APIs and schemas, provided for downstream users.
Technical exploration, design and testing. / Zalando SE
Golang, PostgreSQL, Docker, REST, Python, Kubernetes, Kafka topic-queues.

Field.so: Golang Backend-Developer

Design, implementation and improving of existing microservies.
Integration of new services in existing infrastructure. / Product Field Works GmbH
Golang, gRPC, Protobuf, MySQL, Redis, Make, Docker

dmTECH: Infrastructure Backend-Scripts

Porting of existing Bash scripts to Python.
Azure cloud-function for billing-reports. / dmTech GmbH
Bash, Python, Azure, Gitlab

Audyem: High-traffic infrastructure on AWS with Terraform.

Platform for publishers, delivering widgets built for lead generation. Processing 100M+ contacts per month.
Infrastructure developed and managed with Terraform. / Audyem GmbH
AWS (a-z), Cloudfront, Terraform, Node.js, Python.

Innio: Migration in Amazon Cloud of infrastructure and services

"Lift-and-Shift" migration of existing services into new multi-account AWS environment.
Infrastructure developed and managed with Terraform. CI/CD with Ansible and DroneCI. / Innio GmbH, Austria
AWS (a-z), IP networks / DNS, Terraform and development of Custom Terraform Provider for IDP provider integration,
Ansible (Tower/AWX), DroneCI, Docker, IDM/IAM, Linux / CentOS

Golang Mentoring

Mentoring of the individual programmer Tobias Düring about the development of a Google Ads Software in Golang.

Realtime synchronization of multiple liveticker systems (Scribblelive, Sourcefabric Liveblog and others) via an
async/await-based Python service.
Part of the Google Digital News Initiative / dpa newslab
Extensibility via plugins, released under Apache License v2: Github / PyPi
Docker, Python 3.5, Terraform, REST
Amazon AWS: EC2, ECS, DynamoDB, IAM, SQS, VPC, ELB

Maintaining and improving Metadoc, a Python module to extract meta informations from any webpage.
Various other backend tasks. / Praise UG
AWS Serverless Lambdas with Golang and Python, PyPi, NLTK, Grafana, AWS Cloudwatch
Metadoc (MIT License): PyPi, Github

ECS-Cluster on Amazon Web Services

Conception, setup and operation of multiple AWS ECS clusters.
Infrastructure as Code with Terraform, CI/CD with Gitlab, Monitoring with CloudWatch. / dpa infocom
Terraform, Golang, Docker, Gitlab, Linux, EC2, IAM, SQS, VPC, ALB, S3, VPC, Route53, ECS, EFS, Aurora, RDS

Liveticker data migration

Data migration into Liveblog. / Sourcefabric GmbH
Python, Livebridge

Script for mirroring all repositories of a Github organization or Gitlab groups to AWS CodeCommit. / dpa newslab
Released under Apache License v2: PyPi
Python, Git, Linux, AWS CodeCommit, GraphQL

Webcrawler for website auditing

Development of a web crawler based on Scrapy for the collection of different quality related metrics of websites. / neu.land GmbH
Python, Scrapy

Central address database for dpa intranet. / dpa
Python, Django, Elasticsearch

CoreOS - Docker - AWS

Build / Run CoreOS cluster on Amazon AWS with CLI Tool for Container Lifecycle Management,
written in Golang. Private Docker-registry, ELK for Logging, Service Service-Discovery with Etcd. / dpa newslab
CoreOS, Golang, Docker, Etcd, Confd, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana,

Further development of existing products, Content-Aggregation,
Web-Services, Backend-programming / anythingabout GmbH
Python, PostgreSQL, Django

Website build with Django / DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH
Python, MySQL, Django

Editorial system for app reviews based on Django.
Amazon Web Services, Python, MySQL, Chef

REST-based API for mobile flea market app. / Digital Pioneers N.V
Symfony2, MongoDB, PHP5.3, Javascript, DevOps with Chef, Vagrant, TDD

R&D: Amazon Web Services, Cloud Computing, Mobile Development, DevOps with Chef
Python, Javascript, HTML5, XML, Chef

REST-based web API for Presseportal.de / news aktuell
PHP 5.3, Test-Driven Development, MySQL, PHPUnit

Advanced XSLT templating, backend scripts, Relaunch / Zeit Online GmbH
Python, XML, XSLT, Varnish, WebDAV

Refactoring to PHP 5.3 and TDD
PHP 5.3, PHPUnit

Backend application for automatic conversion and distribution of video content in the cloud. / news aktuell
Python, MySQL, various web APIs, Amazon S3, Amazon Cloudfront, CherryPy, SQLAlchemy

Website and weblog based on Drupal for a series of podium discoussions organized by news aktuell.
Drupal-CMS, PHP, MySQL, Apache

Web2.0 commmunity build with CakePHP.
PHP, MySQL, Apache, Amazon S3, CakePHP


Webcrawler for audience measurement. / news aktuell
Python, MySQL, Amazon S3, CherryPy, SQLAlchemy

Web2.0 commmunity build with CakePHP.
PHP, MySQL, Apache, CakePHP

Personal Projects / Open-Source Projects

Custom Terraform provider plugin for IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

Rem is a small tool written in Go for remembering things on the command line. It can be used to store commands and execute them later on. Or to simply store lines of text.

Bot for searching Discogs.com in Telegram.

Community Core Apps Developer, contributing to the Ubuntu Touch Weather App, written in Qt5/QML.

Simple Last.fm radio player written in Go using Spotify as music source. / Blog-Post

Mobile app for Meego 1.2 Harmattan, written in QtQuick. 18500 downloads from 127 countries, 5 out 5 stars out of 250 ratings.

Drigger was built by squeezing news through OpenCalais. OpenCalais-API from Reuters. Drigger was only a proof-of-concept. The site used Pylons, with SQLAlchemy and Mako Templates. Proxied via nginx web server. RDF was handled with the RDFLib.

"Buddy as a Service" is an xmpp / wave robot that can query various web APIs. News / Web Search (Yahoo YQL, Google Ajax API), Weather Forecasting (Google Weather API), Translations (Gtranslate API) and more ...

Graphical frontend for Buddy As A Service, programmed for the Maemo 5 Linux OS and the Nokia N900.
Based on Python and Gtk2.

Web interface for displaying and browsing FOAF files.

Study Graduation